Tuesday 20 September 2016

Game Making

We are making games on gamefroot. i'm making a 2d adventure game. Gamefroot is a game make that you can ad characters and blocks. i am making a four level map. i put the tree one because its a temple in the bush. It goes from temple to under ground base to outside world. this is my character in my game froot. this is the me editing my game. this is the end of my game.

Play my game at : http://gamefroot.com/game/larnces-game/

Friday 12 August 2016

I am Winter in Runanga (Prose)

When it is winter in Runanga it rains and I sit inside. The Smoke from the Chimneys flood the street on a cold day. Sometimes the Creeks flood. When you walk down the street you can see your breath like steam and a cold wind from the sea. In the bush it gloomy with the fog. When it -3 it’s icy and frosty.

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Free writing

It was only as he dove into the water that he realised how high the bridge was. As he swam to the top a monster graded his leg he was fighting for his life but in a flash, the boy was gone. About two days later the boy's body was found but it was just the head in a pile of bones.

Sunday 19 June 2016